"Success is how high you bounce when you hit the bottom"

-- Gen. George S. Patton Jr.

About Me

My name is Thomas and I'm a self-employed Data Scientist from Austria. My background is in Social Sciences (master's degree) and Geoinformatics (professional degree). Besides that, I deeply enjoy lifelong learning and therefore working through various books & courses in the domains of Data Science and Programming. Also, I participate in and contribute to open source communities regularly.


UPenn's character strength survey says:

  1. Judgement
  2. Love of Learning
  3. Kindness

I consider myself as an open-minded person, a personal quality that helps to collect much of general knowledge. And I deeply enjoy beeing creative, but sadly haven't as often possibilities to live it up as I would like. Which is the main drawback of beeing highly structured in thinking and acting. But, enough vaunt for now.

Bad Habits

  • Caffeinated, too often.
  • Lost in details, too much.
  • Under tension, ever.
  • Sarky, by nature.


In my spare time I love doing some sport activities (esp. cycling and swimming) and enjoy going to Football.

Artificial created picture of me me wearing a football scarve Bicycle and Benni